Spain: A Journey Through Culture and Sound
Spain is a country rich in culture, with a deep and diverse history. Every city we visited offered its own unique traditions and heritage. From navigating the historic Alcázar Castle in Seville to experiencing Gaudi's magnum opus, La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, Spain was picture-perfect at every turn.
For this project, I primarily used a digital camera to capture the footage, complemented by a handful of analog shots from the Reto Cam and Kitty Holga. I chose to forgo a gimbal to maintain an organic, free-flowing camera motion, ensuring the digital and analog footage seamlessly blended together.
Sound design played a major role in bringing the environments to life. From the chirping of crickets and the ringing of church bells to the low hum of a church organ and the rhythmic sounds of trains along the Mediterranean coast, I aimed to recreate the atmosphere of each moment I experienced.

Camera: Panasonic GH5 / Reto Cam / Kitty Holga
Lens: Panasonic Leica DG Summilux 25mm f1.4 and Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 12mm f2.0
Music: Majent – Nourish (with KickClouds)

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