Where to next?
Rediscover your city
Many locals have asked the same question: is there anything left to see in their own city? While the lure of foreign adventures is strong, it's easy to fall into familiar routines at home. Data from Uber revealed that city-dwellers tend to visit the same places repeatedly. This insight led us to ask: what if locals broke their routine and explored the path less traveled?
Credits to:
Hafizah Jainal, Jason Feng, Judy Cheong, Kaye Matriano, Neville Hew, Prayer Trairatvorakul, Roopa Pious
Discovering Adventure
Hidden Cities
We challenged residents in Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta, Ho Chi Minh City, and Manila to take an Uber to the least visited spots in their cities. Armed with Canon cameras, they captured unexpectedly beautiful moments in unfamiliar places, proving that adventure doesn’t always require leaving your hometown. Sometimes, the biggest surprises are right in your own backyard.
The stunning photos from these explorations were curated and published in a tabletop book, designed by Neville Hew.
Cover of Hidden Cities Photobook
Inside of Hidden Cities Photobook

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